I can never find the right font to accompany my mood.
Somewhere , someone is thinking about something much more serious than fonts.
I don't like talking about money. I don't like thinking about money.
Being the "starving artist" that I am, (figuratively not literally), I don't think about money.
Because there isn't much of it for me to think about. You can laugh, I do.
Money makes you feel bad when you think about "stuff" that you want to buy.
Money makes you sad when you think about the lack of it.
Money makes you angry when you look at the bills.
Money is overwhelming when you look out at your future
And have no idea where more of it is going to come from.
Know what I do?
I think about fonts.
I think about my favoritest things and
How none of them could actually be bought.
Sure, I like stuff, I want stuff.
Do I need stuff?
Hah. There's a looong list.
I need more patience.
I need more sunshine.
I need magical powers.
I could go on but the list will only become more ridiculous.
You really have to learn to seperate the wants and the needs.
You have to get to the root of all your desires.
I am not syaing deny yourself the things you want.
I am saying that alot of the worry and the stress and the issues with money.
Can be erased simply by a little shift in perception.
I agree. Focusing on what you don't have isn't going to make you happy, and only causes undue stress. That's precisely why I focus on the Taco Bell menu. I have a friend who works there part time and I get free food lol.
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