Music is mandatory for me not loud music, just a little background noise. A book, A game, A hobby, Nothing. I believe Sunday is the day you're supposed to do the things you never get to do, and I don't mean laundry, thats for Saturday. Personally I suggest not watching tv and although I am writing in this blog and you are reading it, I suggest less time on the internet too. I cannot do much about the weather but if its sunny go outside or at least sit by a window. If its cloudy and icky, cuddle up in a corner somewhere.
People who have children may find some if not all of this impossible. When I was little my mother said Sundays were supposed to be days of peace and if I did anything that wasn't peaceful she made me clean, garage, closets..you get the point. It worked.
The most important tip for truly enjoying your Sunday no matter whatever else you do or not..
Enjoy your Sunday.